Python Requirements
EMF CLI requires Python We suggest you to use version 3.11, that was used for development and testing. We cannot ensure that other python versions will work. You also need to add it to the PATH.
Install EMF Command Line Interface
Install manually
To download the CLI manually, go to EMF CLI Releases . Scroll down to the Assets section of the page and click the link (.gz or .zip) for your OS and extract the files. Make sure your system Path includes the path to the EMF CLI binary you downloaded.
Note: On macOS, if you’re not able to run commands, you may need to change the binary’s permissions to allow execution. From the binary’s folder, run: chmod 755 emf-cli
Install using Go
Go Requirements
If you wish to install through Go, then please make sure you are using version 1.21 or above.
Install it directly using the following command
go install
Install it from source
First get the source code from the repository :
git clone
cd emf-cli/
Then you can start building (using make) :
make build
Or you could also build it yourself :
go build
Now all that’s left for you is adding it to the PATH !
Verify installation
After installation, you will have access to the emf-cli
binary in your command line.
You can check you have the right version with this command:
emf-cli version